Lourey has dedicated his professional career to public service. Lourey has worked for the district in the offices of Minnesota Senators Al Franken and Tina Smith, where he worked to push legislation to help people living in rural areas access health care, provide students with school-based mental health support, and improve prevention, treatment and recovery for the opioid epidemic.
As Senator Franken's field representative in northern Minnesota, Lourey worked in Carlton, Pine, Kanabec, and Saint Louis counties on issues important to the region including health care, education, infrastructure, and jobs.

Lourey has partnered with, and learned from, health care stakeholders, tribal leaders, schools, and labor unions to find solutions that help build strong communities.
Stu lives on his family farm near the border of Pine and Carlton Counties where they raise a small beef herd. He is a graduate of East Central High School and has a bachelor’s degree from Carleton College in Northfield Minnesota. Stu enjoys experiencing the outdoors through bicycling, distance running, and hunting.